Data Journalism and D3


    There is significant correlation between divorce rates and depression rates with a correlation coefficient of around 0.535. People often divorce if they are unhappy and may remain unhappy after a failed marriage. In addition, it could be the case that people become unhappy after going through a divorce.

    Strong correlation between poverty and lack of physical activity (correlation coefficient = -0.77019). This could be due to the stress caused by poverty or those in poverty may have unhealthy diets and minimal access to gyms.

    A final correlation is the relationship between being unemployed and having gone to the doctors within the previous year at the time of sampling (coefficient = 0.365). This means those who were unemployed visited the doctor more frequently, while the other response categories fell within the past 2 years, past 5 years, over 5 years, and never. Thus there seems to be a silver lining to unemployment, or those who are unemployed have more time to see the doctor.